Double Oz Seven Episode #15 – Let’s (Not) Talk About Rosie Carver Again – The 1970s



Once again it’s time to take a break from the movie retrospectives and recap the entire decade that was the 1970s for James Bond. Which moments stood out the most? What moments sucked? Why is Rosie Carver still a topic of discussion? Why did things turn so campy in the decade? Will JW Pepper be mentioned? Which Bond girls, villains and henchman should also be mentioned? And what is there to look forward to in the 1980s? Click below to find out!

Each movie retrospective we have been tallying every Bond kill, every Bond ‘intimate encounter’, every Bond Martini and every Bond, James Bond in our ‘Kiss Kiss Bang Bang’ count. The tally for each decade and total tally for the films so far is as follows:

COUNT 60s 70s 80s 90s 00s 10s TOTAL
Bond Kills 83 50 133
Intimate Encounters 19 12 31
Martinis 5 2 7
Bond, James Bond 4 7 11

As part of our decade counts we will also keep track of each Bond actors individual counts. As of the end of the decade this is the current tally:

Bond Kills 84 7 42 133
Intimate Encounters 17 3 11 31
Martinis 4 1 2 7
Bond, James Bond 3 2 6 11

Each episode we have been giving our personal rankings of each films and shift them up and down accordingly after each review. We have published a running tally of where each film sits on each hosts overall table at the end of every episode and our personal rankings of the decades films are:

1 The Spy Who Loved Me The Spy Who Loved Me The Spy Who Loved Me
2 The Man With The Golden Gun Diamonds Are Forever Live And Let Die
3 Diamonds Are Forever Moonraker Moonraker
4 Live And Let Die The Man With The Golden Gun The Man With The Golden Gun
5 Moonraker Live And Let Die Diamonds Are Forever
We will also rank each decade accordingly at the end of each decade. The current rankings of the decades are:
1 60s 60s 60s
2 70s 70s 70s

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All music and quotes in the episode are copyright and are used solely for the purpose of a fan podcast with no financial gain or incentive

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